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SQL Basics
Create Tables
Data Types
Delete/Modify Tables
Adding new rows
Create Sequences
Retreive Data [Query]
Sub Queries
Single-Row Functions
Group Functions
Formating Data
Joining Multiple Tables
Creating View

Number Functions

You can munipulate retrieved numbers by rounding up to specific precessions or perform extra calculation funtionalities.  SQL has several number functions that you can use to manipulate retrieved numbers.  The following are list of functions and example of each:
ABS(number)Returns the absolute value of a numberSELECT ABS (price-cost)
FROM product;
If (price-cost) = -3.5
Result is 3.5
CEIL(number)Rounds up the number to next integerSELECT CEIL (price-cost)
FROM product
WHERE product_id =1;
If (price-cost) = 3.5
Result is 4
FLOOR(number)Rounds down the number to next integerSELECT FLOOR(price-cost)
FROM product
WHERE product_id =1;
If (price- cost) = 3.5
Result is 3
MOD(number, divisor)Returns the remainder of a division SELECT MOD (price,2)
FROM product
WHERE product_id =1;
If price=3
Result is 1
POWER(number, power)Returns result of number raised specified powerSELECT POWER(price,2)
FROM product
WHERE product_id =1;
If price = 3
Result is 9
SIGN(number)Tests if the number negative or positive and returns 1 or - 1SELECT SIGN(price-cost)
FROM product
WHERE product_id =1;
If (price-cost) = -3.51
Result is -1
ROUND(number, precision)Returns the a number rounded to the specified precisionSELECT ROUND(price-cost)
FROM product
WHERE product_id =1;
If (price-cost) = 3.5121212
Result is 3.51
SQRT(number)Returns the square root of a number SELECT SQRT(price)
FROM product
WHERE product_id =1;
If (price) = 4
Result is 2
TRUNC(number, precision)Returns a number truncated to the specified precisionSELECT TRUNC(price-cost, 1)
FROM product
WHERE product_id =1;
If (price-cost) = 3.5133
Result is 3.5

Concatenation and column alias

You can munipulate the retrieved data by joining two columns or changing the column heading.  The default column heading is actual column name.  For example, when you select product_id from product, the heading is product_id.  We can change the column heading to "product ID" by using following syntax:
SELECT column_name "column_alias"
  FROM table_name;

The following example changes and displays column heading of product_id as Product ID, and column heading of name as Product Name.
SELECT product_id "Product ID", name "Product Name"
   FROM product;
This example changes the column headings of product_id and name to proper more understandable column headings

We can also concatenate two or more fields together in select statement.  For instance, if we want join first_name and last_name together to make up full_name, we can easily do this using following syntax:
SELECT column_name||column_name FROM table_name; or SELECT CONCAT(column_name,column_name) FROM table_name;.  Both methods accomplish same results.  The following example retrieves concatenated first_name and last_name with space between and column heading of Full Name:
SELECT first_name ||' '||last_name "Full Name"
   FROM employees;
Using ||, you can concatenate columns or strings with columns.

Single-Row Character Munipulation Functions

There are number of string munipulation functions available for use of character output like the CONCAT we saw.  The following are list of those functions with description, example and result:
CONCAT(string1, string2)Concatenates two stringsSELECT CONCAT (first_name, last_name)
FROM employees;
If (first_name='John', last_name='Morgan')
Result is JohnMorgan
INITCAP(string)Returns string with first letter in upper caseSELECT INITCAP (first_name)
FROM employees;
If (first_name='john')
Result is John
LENGTH(string)Returns an integer representing the string lengthSELECT LENGTH(first_name)
FROM employees;
If (first_name='John')
Result is 4
LPAD(string, #,padding_char)Returns the string padding characters added to the leftSELECT LPAD (price, 7,'*')
FROM product
WHERE product_id =1;
If price =100
Result is ****100
RPAD(string, #,padding_char)Returns the string padding characters added to the rightSELECT LPAD (price, 7,'*')
FROM product
WHERE product_id =1;
If price =100
Result is 100****
Removes characters from left/right of charSELECT LTRIM (first_name, 'j')
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id =1;
If (first_name=' John')
Result is 'john'
REPLACE(string,searchString,replacement)REPLACE returns char with every occurrence of searchString replaced with replacementStringSELECT REPLACE(first_name,'J','H')
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id =1;
If (first_name='John')
Result is 'Hohn'
SUBSTR(string,start,length)Returns substring starting at start and of specified lengthSELECT SUBSTR(first_name,'1','3')
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id =1;
If (first_name='John')
Result is 'Joh'
Returns string with all upper/lower case charactersSELECT UPPER(first_name)
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id =1;
If (first_name='John')
Result is 'JOHN'

Single-Row Date Functions

All sql data can manipulated on retrieval or displayed as you desire it to be displayed.  The date functions we are descussing next can be used to manipulate date data types.  For example, if you want to add few days, months, years to the current date or format the output of the dates retrieved by select statement.  This can done using date functions.  The following are some list of date functions available in sql:
SYSDATEReturns current date SELECT sysdate
FROM dual;
If (today ='1/01/2002)
Result is '1-jan-02'
ADD_MONTHS(Date, months_to_add)Returns date retrieved date added to specified monthsSELECT ADD_MONTHS(sysdate,3)
FROM dual;
If (SYSDATE='1/30/2002)
Result is '4/30/2002'
LAST_DAY(Date)Returns date that is last day of the month SELECT LAST_DAY(sysdate)
FROM dual;
If (SYSDATE='1/20/2002)
Result is '1/31/2002'
MONTHS_BETWEEN(Date1, Date2)Returns months between two dates specified monthsSELECT MONTHS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE('02-02-2002'),SYSDATE)
FROM dual;
If (SYSDATE='1/1/2002)
Result is 1.0322...
Retrieve Data (Sub Quiry) Group Functions