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SQL Basics
Create Tables
Data Types
Delete/Modify Tables
Adding new rows
Create Sequences
Retreive Data [Query]
Sub Queries
Single-Row Functions
Group Functions
Formating Data
Joining Multiple Tables
Creating View
SQL Books
SQL Books List

Adding new rows to database table

We created the table, define the constraints and now they are ready to be populated with data.  INSERT command is used to populate the table with records.  Here is a statement that adds a row or record to product table.  This type of statement needs all the columns to be exact order.  This is a poor way to insert values into a table
VALUES('10000000', 'Printer', 'Inkjet colour Printer', '120', '80');



Here is a more favorable and controllable way to insert values into the a table.
INSERT INTO product (product_id, name, description, price, cost)
VALUES ('10000000','Printer', Inkjet colour printer','120','80');

Delete & Modify Tables Create Sequences