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Eager To Learning HTML?

HTML is pretty simple language used to develop web sites and is the most popular text language.   HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and uses tags that follow simple patterns.  For example <b> at the beginning of text will make the text bold and to indicate the end of the bold text, you use </b>.  When you use an HTML tag, it would apply all the text after the tag until you indicate the end of that tag.  Following are list of some HTML tags and definitions.

<HTML> Defines the document is HTML
<HEAD> Defines the first part of the document. Head information is hidden except title on title bar.
<TITLE> Stores the title of the document. Every document has title to identify
<BODY>The main part of your document where all the writings and other junks go
<BGCOLOR=""> Identifies background color variable. It must have value such #ffaabbcc
<FONT> Identifies font. It could be font color="", or font size="". Must have value
<H1> A level one heading of sex level headings. One with largest text and six smallest
<P> Breaks the text in to paragraphs. It puts blank line between paragraphs.
<BR> Breaks the line and starts new line. No blanks between the lines.
<B> Indicates bold text.
<I> Indicates italic text.
<U> Indicates underlined text
<UL> Identifies bullet list.
<OL> Identifies numbered list.
<LI> Identifies item in the bullet or numbered list.

The above tags are useless unless you put them in to a code.  Now let us put everything in to a code so we can view the result on the browser.  The following code is complete HTML document.  You may exam it carefully to understand the meanings and structures.  But first, the html syntax

HTML Syntax.
<title>type the document title </title>
     Type your document information, all your writings, pictures, links, sound files, etc.
</body >

<title>My HTML Page</title>
<H2> my html page</H2>
<p>This is my first paragraph of my html page.</P>
<p>This is my second paragrahp with, <B>bold tex</B>, <I>italic text</I>, and <u>underlined text</u>. </p>
<br>New line of last paragraph with font color of <font color="#FF0000"> red color </font > or this way <font color ="red">red color </font>, and font size of <font size ="4" >Four </font> or font size and color of <font size="3" color="blue">Three & blue </font>
<br> Next line is how you make a ruler that produces horizontal line.<br>
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